Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Foundations of a Bible Christian View for God - myassignmenthelp

Question: Write about theFoundations of a Bible Christian View for God. Answer: An outline of salvation and the relationship between man and God The diagram below illustrates the relationship between man and God and ways in which salvation can either be gained or lost. While many people think that salvation involve the direction that the peoples souls take when they die, that is heaven or hell, in actual sense this is not the case (Kostenberger O'Brien, 2017). In actual sense, salvation is the manner in which God restores our relationship with Him when we are on earth and this determines our destiny after death. Describe The relationship between man and God are weakened by sin which acts as a chasm. In fact, the gap created between God and man is so wide that no bridge can fill it (Vine, 2015). Man has severally tried to close this gap through good deeds and building of a tower but this falls apart within a short time. Analyze Basically, the above outline indicates how sin separates man from God. On one side of this outline, there is God , where He provides eternal life while on the other side is man, where there is eternal death. If man still dwells in in earthly things like wealth, sex, and greed, then such factors will block them from obtaining the mercy of God and hence the inability to attain eternal life (Lindsay, 2013). Sinful nature is condemned in the Bible just as Romans :23 indicates that all people have fallen into sin. This means that there is a need for man to seek God through repentance so as to be forgive n their sins. Moreover, Romans 6: 23 indicate that the wages of sin are death. This verse also emphasizes the degree at which God, through His holy book, the bible, hates and condemns sin. Reflection Based on this outline concerning sinful nature an eternal life in a bible based Christian view, I believe that I am able to relate the huge difference which exists. I have understood that there are simple things in this world which, although essential for survival can be a cues of being sinful. For example, things like education, greed, lust and property are among factors that can make man to sin. I have also learned that since od is merciful, He is always ready to welcome us in His heart, only when we stop our sinful nature (Smith, 2015). There are several biblical quotes which quotes which criticize sin and its effects on the eternal life. I have therefore learned on how to live peacefully according to the ways of God through praying, repenting, helping the needy and loving God. These virtues will be of great significance as far as eternal life us compared. In this outline, it has also been possible for me to understand the role of Jesus in the salvation history. It is only Jesus C hrist, that God found worthy and capable of bearing all the sins of man by dying on the cross. I feel that I can comfortably explain to my colleagues and class members the differences that exist between salvation, man and God. Refreences Kostenberger, A. J., O'Brien, P. T. (2017). Salvation to the Ends of the Earth. Salvation to the ends of the Earth. Vine, W. E. (2015). Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words Volume 2 (Vol. 2). Lulu. com. Lindsay II, L. A. (2013). A content analysis on the recognition of the educational ministry of the Holy Spirit in Christian education textbooks. Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Smith, S. E. (2015). Women in mission: from the New Testament to today. Orbis Books.

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